Maanayata took to Instagram and shared a reel featuring a series of pictures of her with Sanjay, accompanied by the song 'Ruk Jana Nahin' sung by Kishore Kumar from the 1974 film 'Imtihan' starring Vinod Khanna.
Mumbai: Late legendary singer Kishore Kumar needs no introduction. Known for his melodious voice and soulful compositions, Kishore Kumar was born on August 4, 1929. As we remember him on his birth anniversary, how can we move past his beautiful renditions that still make it to our playlist’s top songs? Let’s take a look at […]
From turning “completely bald”, avoiding playing the titular hero in “Anand” to troubling hapless producers by disappearing through a “secret staircase” behind his cupboard, “mad genious” Kishore Kumar had a number of tricks up his sleeves, reveals poet-lyricist Gulzar in his new book “Actually… I Met Them: A Memoir”. According to Gulzar, Kishore Kumar, and […]