Hyderabad: Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat on Saturday urged the citizens to join hands with police and support in fighting Covid-19. Speaking after handing over the N95 masks, surgical masks and sanitizers provided by the Rachakonda Security Council (RKSC) to the police personnel at his office, the Commissioner commended the gesture of RKSC and […]
Hyderabad: The Greater Nalgonda.Org, an organization of NRIs of erstwhile united Nalgonda district donated 4,500 N95 mask to Rachakonda Police on Saturday. Shanti Kumar Putta and Sudheer, representatives of the group handed over the masks to Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Mahesh Bhagwat who appreciated the gesture of the organisation and thanked them. Now you can get […]
As claims and conspiracies about the coronavirus's origin and spread were circulated online, Google launched a new policy to prohibit both ads and monetised co
"India produced over 60 million PPE and 150 million N95 masks from March to October. We have exported over 20 million PPE suits and 40 million masks so far," she said.
The method involves spraying methylcellulose, a renewable plastic material derived from plant cellulose, on 3D-printed and other objects ranging from electronics to plants.