New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday awarded four-month sentence to fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya, accused in bank loan default case of over Rs 9,000 crore involving his defunct Kingfisher Airlines, in a contempt case. A bench headed by Justice U U Lalit also imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 on Mallya. The top court […]
New Delhi: The Supreme Court Tuesday said it proposes to go ahead with the contempt matter involving fugitive businessman Vijay Mallya, who is an accused in bank loan default case of over Rs 9,000 crore involving his defunct Kingfisher Airlines, and list it for hearing on sentencing. The apex court had earlier dismissed his plea […]
Enforcement Directorate claimed that the banks and the government exchequer have realised 58% out of the total fraud perpetrated in two of the country's biggest criminal bank loan heist cases till date
The book, by London-based journalists and researchers Danish and Ruhi Khan, includes a recap of the more recent cases involving former Kingfisher Airlines boss Vijay Mallya and diamond merchant Nirav Modi.
Mehta submitted that the Indian government has been informed that there is a further legal issue that needs to be resolved before Mallya can be extradited.
The Centre on Monday told the court that Mallya cannot be extradited till a separate legal process in the UK, which is 'judicial and confidential in nature' is resolved.