Hyderabad: The LB Nagar Central Crime Station police along with the Vanasthalipuram police on Monday arrested two persons who were involved in stealing cash from ATM centres. Police recovered cash, four cars and gas cutters, all together worth Rs 35 lakh from them.
The arrested persons were Mohd Amir (22), from Amberpet and a native of Sarangpur in Uttar Pradesh and Mohd Afridi (19) from Amberpet. Six suspects, Sajid, Azhar, Shahid, Azad, Junaid and Mohd Abid Khan, all natives of Haryana, are absconding.
“The prime suspects and members of the gang belong to Haryana and they know well about ATM mechanism and alarm systems. They recce secluded colonies and target ATMs. They spray black paint on the CC Cameras to avoid being identified and cut the ATM’s front portion without touching its wires with gas cutters and steal the money,” said Rachakonda Commissioner Mahesh M Bhagwat said.
The gang was recently involved in a case in Vanasthalipuram. With the help of technical evidence, the CCS police identified and nabbed two of the suspects while efforts are on to nab the absconding persons.
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