Warangal: The Warangal Cybercrime Police on Monday arrested two persons, including a woman, from Tamil Nadu involved in online investment fraud and seized incriminating materials, cheque books, debit & credit cards and mobile phones from them.
According to Commissioner of Police Ambar Kishor Jha, the accused, Jaseel and Preethi, opened bank accounts in Yes Bank, Axis bank and Jana Small Finance bank through fraudulent means and lured the victims to invest huge amount in “Internal Equity Amount of Goldman Sachs” and “Yum Branding-6001” to get huge returns. They duped two persons to the tune of Rs. 28 lakh from the city and on their complaint, Jaseel and Preethi were arrested, he said.
The cybercrime team traced the duo in Tamil Nadu and arrested them and brought them to Warangal. They confessed to around 150 crime links across the country, including 15 cases in Telangana duping victims to a tune of about Rs. 15 crore. The bank accounts of the accused persons were freezed to prevent further fraudulent transactions, the commissioner informed.