Which US State is the closest to Africa?
Considering the tilt of the Earth on its axis it seems that Florida is closest to Africa, but this is not true.
Published Date - 9 May 2021, 04:53 PM
The Americas are separated from the African continent and even from mainland Europe by the vast Atlantic Ocean. Considering the tilt of the Earth on its axis it seems that Florida is closest to Africa, but this is not true. It is in fact Maine that is the closest point for the US to Africa.
The distance between Quoddy Head, in Maine and El Beddouza, in the African country of Morocco is estimated to be about 5,076 km.
Quoddy Head is the easternmost point of the contiguous US. The Quoddy Head State Park is the first place in the country to witness the sunrise on the equinoxes. El Beddouza in the northwest African country of Morocco is a sandy beach that is popular with tourists.
The distance between these two points is the shortest between the US and the African continent.
The State of Florida is a peninsula that juts out from the contiguous US and is often (mistakenly) assumed to be the closest point to Africa. Singer Island on the coast of Palm Beach County is the nearest point to Africa (in Florida).
From Singer Island, Guerguerat is the nearest point in Africa, some 6,574 km away. Guerguerat is a nondescript village, three miles from the Atlantic coast in Western Africa. It is currently under the control of Morocco, though.
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