Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Monday instructed the officials to ensure that promotions are completed in all the departments immediately. It is only after giving promotions that vacant positions in various departments would be known.
The Chief Minister asked the District Collectors to prepare and submit reports about the vacancies district-wise. He also instructed that within a week, all the postings under compassionate grounds should be completed.
Rao said the State government’s flagship programme, Haritha Haram, was being implemented successfully all over the State and it had received appreciation from all sections of society. The Forest Survey of India report stated that there was 3.67 per cent increase in greenery in the State in the past three years due to Haritha Haram, he pointed out.
The Chief Minister said top priority should be given to revival of forests besides increasing social forestry. “Timber smuggling should be totally curbed and the PD Act should be used against the smugglers,” he said, adding that Urban Forest Blocks are being developed at 90 places and wanted forest areas near urban areas to be developed as Urban Parks.
The Chief Minister congratulated Forest Minister A Indrakaran Reddy, PCCF R Shobha, Principal Secretary (Forests) Santha Kumari and other forest officials for successfully conducting Haritha Haram. He said Kamareddy district topped the State in planting of saplings, achieving 127 per cent of the target, and congratulated District Collector Sharath.
The Chief Minister also congratulated Bhadadri-Kothagudem District Collector MV Reddy for topping sapling plantations in the State.
Minimum service for promotions reduced
The State government on Monday issued orders reducing minimum service from three years to two years, in the category, class or grade from which promotion or appointment by transfer is proposed to the next higher category, class or grade. The decision was taken on an ad hoc basis and will be applicable for the current panel year of 2020-21.
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