Hyderabad: TRS working president K T Rama Rao was in his elements on Thursday, when he came up with interesting slogans to describe the party’s stand and strategies for the GHMC elections on December 1.
“It is a fight between a galli party and a Delhi party. Which party should rule Hyderabad is for the people to decide. They have to choose between divisive politics and decisive policies and between crooked politics and policies promoting growth and development,” Rama Rao said.
Taking off on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign ‘Vocal for Local,’ the TRS working president said the ruling warty will pitch for it, albeit in a different way, in the GHMC elections.
Rama Rao also asked the people whether they wanted “Kondhari Hyderabad or Andhari Hyderabad” (Hyderabad for some or Hyderabad for all).
During the last six years, TRS has developed Hyderabad and entire the Telangana State and is seeking votes based on the good work done by the State government, he said.
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