New Delhi: With an aim to expand its product lineup, consumer electronics brand LG on Tuesday launched the new upgraded laptops under its Gram series for Indian consumers. With a starting price of Rs 94,999, the lineup includes four new models — LG Gram 17 (model 17Z90Q), LG Gram 16 (model 16Z90Q), LG Gram 16 […]
New Delhi: With an aim to expand its product lineup, consumer electronics brand LG on Tuesday launched the new upgraded laptops under its Gram series for Indian consumers.
With a starting price of Rs 94,999, the lineup includes four new models — LG Gram 17 (model 17Z90Q), LG Gram 16 (model 16Z90Q), LG Gram 16 (model 16T90Q-2in1), and LG Gram 14 (model 14Z90Q) — with 16:10 aspect ratio screens.
“LG Gram has been designed to maximise consumer usability. The new models with additional features like facial recognition and noise cancellation aim at transforming the user experience,” Hak Hyun Kim, Director, Home Entertainment, LG Electronics India, said in a statement.
“We provide our customers with the latest cutting-edge technology to enhance their lifestyle. We believe this new 2022 LG Gram lineup will set new standards in user experience, and we are confident our customers will love it,” he added.
The new laptops are powered by a 12th Gen Intel Core i7 processor; meanwhile, LG Gram models 17Z90Q and 16Z90Q feature 80Wh batteries.
The company said that the displays of new laptops are ideal for both entertainment and work, delivering stellar picture quality with vibrant and accurate colors.
The flagship LG Gram 17 boasts a large 17-inch screen while only weighing 1,350 grams. The LG Gram 16 and 14 tips the scales at 1,199 grams and 999 grams, respectively. The new range of Gram laptops will be available both in online and offline channels.