Mahabubnagar: District Collector S Venkat Rao on Monday directed authorities to issue show cause notices to officials who failed to turn up for review meetings on Haritha Haram and preparation for a possible third wave of Covid-19.
The show-cause notices were served to District Agriculture officer, District Intermediate officer, District R&B officer, Executive Engineer, TSMIDC, District Sainik welfare officer, CPO, DCO SC Residential schools, DCO ST Residential schools, District irrigation officer (nominee of CE).
The Collector complimented officials for working efficiently and ensuring that the Covid positivity rate dropped from 34.2 per cent to 3.2 per cent. He, however, took serious objection to some officials failing to turn up for key meetings. Accordingly, instructions were issued to authorities to issue show-cause notices.
The Collector said no excuses will be entertained in the execution of the Haritha Haram programme and wanted the officials to take up the works on priority.
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