Over time, even fans of Prince felt that Assassin's Creed was a logical extension to the open worlds of their beloved game and with each passing year, the calls for a new Prince of Persia only got fainter.
By Aditya Deshbandhu The last few years have been great for gaming content as narratives from several games have found new homes in a variety of media forms. There have been animated films (Assassins Creed Embers, Street Fighter, Dead Space), and series (Castlevania, DoTA, League of Legends), live-action films (Uncharted, Warcraft) and more recently entire […]
Sony has been very discreet about the release of PS5 in the country but those who are the lucky ones can play these games to elevate their experience, according ti the Verge.
In direct comparison Valhalla is significantly ahead of Odyssey. This is the first game where I felt the beams of sunlight wafting through the trees blind me, offer warmth and the fog surrounding me blind me at times.