Hyderabad: The Musheerabad police identified the person whose body was found in the overhead water tank at Risala locality on Tuesday as B Kishore (26), a painter from Chikkadpally. According to the police, Kishore, an auto driver cum painter, was addicted to liquor and lived at Ambedkar Nagar in Musheerabad. On November 19, he left […]
According to the police, the body of the man, aged around 35 years, was found in the hillocks of Allabanda in the Mangalhat police station limits by a policeman who was on patrolling duty.
The police reached the spot and after preliminary enquiry shifted it to the Osmania General Hospital mortuary where it is preserved for postmortem examination
The body was found floating in the water by local people, who alerted the Pahadishareef police, who in turn shifted the body to Osmania General Hospital morgue
The body was found near houses that were submerged in water for the last few weeks following heavy rains and was later shifted to OGH mortuary where it has been preserved for autopsy and identification