In a regulatory filing, the company said during Q1FY24, it had earned a total income of Rs 221,833.89 crore (against Q1FY23's Rs 252,616.54 crore) and a net profit of Rs 13,750.44 crore (net loss of Rs 1,992.53 crore).
The inclusion of the petrochemical-lube integration component comes as part of IOC's strategy to create a building block for future production of niche chemicals.
IOC and three other refiners have sought just 65 per cent of the monthly average of about 15 million barrels from Saudi Arabia in May, three sources with knowledge of the matter said
Govt has told IOC, BPCL and HPCL to look for oil supplies from outside the Middle East region and use collective bargaining power to get favourable terms
Sources said IOC had proposed monetising some of its hydrogen producing units in lieu of its product pipelines which the government wants the company to monetise.
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman in her Budget for fiscal year beginning April 1, announced monetisation of oil and gas pipeline assets of IOC, gas utility GAIL (India) Ltd and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL).
IOC reported a standalone net profit of Rs 6,227.31 crore, or Rs 6.78 per share, in the July-September quarter, as compared to Rs 563.42 crore net profit in the same period a year back