New Delhi: A photo exhibition titled ‘Constellations 2020’ conceptualised by the Hungarian Astrophotographers Association (MAFE) was inaugurated on the lawns of the Hungarian Embassy. The exhibition took the onlooker from the Earth’s night time landscapes, through the celestial bodies of the Solar System to the mysterious world of the Milky Way and beyond the extragalactic bodies of the infinite cosmos.
Organised by The Embassy of Hungary in India and Hungarian Cultural Institute Delhi, the exhibition commenced their cultural season.
“Hungarian astrophotography is a unique, diverse and extremely high quality activity in the world, which represents a national value according to a sophisticated and accepted system of values. It was created and developed not by one person, but by a long, dedicated and complex pioneering work of members of a community that requires in many cases a whole person and enormous sacrifices. That is why it is necessary to create an organization that protects and supports the values ??of Hungarian astrophotography, which guards the cleanness and diversity of this creative activity, provides support and protection for creators, and facilitates the promotion of astrophotography and the starry sky,” said a note on the photo-exhibit.
Pal Bodogh-Szabo, Director of the Hungarian Cultural Institute Delhi said: “The exhibition is a part of a huge collection of works by the members of the Hungarian Astrophotographers Association. The sky might seem the same across the globe but through the works of such talented photographers we can see through the celestial world in a different dimension.”
H.E. Andras Laszlo Kiraly, Ambassador of Hungary said: “It is with great pleasure that we are showcasing such a beautiful collection of astrophotography done by very talented Hungarians who bring us this close to the cosmos world surrounding us. Astrology is connected to the great tradition of Indian astronomy as well.”
Dr. Rathnasree shared that the exhibition resonates well with anyone with an interest in the wondrous celestial patterns in the skies.
“In particular, the planetarium being closely associated with amateur astronomers who have skills and a body of work along the same lines as that so beautifully presented at the embassy, hopes to be a partner in a continuation of this effort at the planetarium to showcase the skills of Hungarian and Indian astrophotographers.”