Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao conveyed his greetings to people of Telangana State on the eve of commencement of the Bonalu festive season marking the beginning of Ashadam month from Sunday. He said the Bonalu festival celebrations which will begin with the presentation of the bonam to Goddess Jagadambika at her temple in Golconda. He said the Bonalu festival stands as a symbol for the unique Ganga Jamuni Tehzeeb of Hyderabad.
In a statement here on Saturday, the Chief Minister said with the blessings of the Goddess and the perseverance of the State government, Telangana has become the Rice Bowl of the nation. On the occasion, he prayed that the blessings of the Goddess Jagadambika would continue to shower upon the people of Telangana State enabling them to lead a happy and prosperous life with good health and longevity.
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