Hyderabad: Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy slammed his former colleague Eatala Rajender who joined the BJP on Monday, for criticising TRS party and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao after quitting the party. He stated that Rajender did not face any issues in the party and should have waited till the investigation into the allegations of land encroachment concluded. He ridiculed Rajender’s decision to join the BJP, and said the people of Telangana especially Huzurabad Assembly constituency deserve an explanation in this regard.
“Rajender is criticising the party and its leadership only for his political survival. The difference of opinion in a political party is natural and it could have been sorted out through discussions, but he chose to quit TRS and joined BJP. How could he join BJP filled with leaders who are considered as successors of Hitler and whom he criticised till recently?” he questioned.
Speaking to media persons at the TRS Legislative Party office here, Jagadish Reddy said BJP was an anti-people party and did not launch even a single welfare scheme in its seven-year term. He stated that BJP had failed on all fronts and people were growing averse to their divisive politics. Rajender and other leaders from TRS joined a sinking ship and they are all bound to drown with it soon, he opined. He demanded that Rajender should explain to the people of the Huzurabad constituency how BJP was better than TRS and what it has done for Telangana State.
The Minister said people of the Huzurabad constituency were with Chief Minister Chandrashekhar Rao who had not only achieved Telangana State but also realised the development of the State within a short span of seven years. He pointed out that Telangana has surpassed Punjab in terms of paddy production and Gujarat in terms of per capita power consumption. “Telangana is on top of all charts under the leadership of the Chief Minister. The TRS government will continue to serve the people of the State and develop it further, besides continuing the welfare programmes as per the aspirations of its people,” he said.
Reddy rubbished the allegation that the new ration cards were being issued to gain support in the upcoming byelections to the Huzurabad Assembly constituency and pointed out that the government made an announcement in this regard more than four months ago. “These allegations are made by the Opposition parties, but people of Telangana are aware of the work done in the last seven years,” he stated, adding that his detractors were awaiting for his downfall within the party, but they are only day-dreaming about it.
MP Badugula Lingaiah Yadav, MLAs Gyadari Kishore, Mallaiah Yadav, Paila Shekhar Reddy, and Bhaskar Rao were present.
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