Hyderabad: Condemning the recent police brutality against a Dalit woman in Shadnagar, BRS working president KT Rama Rao demanded immediate action and ensure justice to the victim. He demanded that the State government register an SC and ST atrocity case against the police officers involved.
“The treatment of the Dalit woman by the police in Shadnagar is barbaric. The BRS party strongly condemns this incident,” Rama Rao stated. He warned that the Telangana society will never forgive the Congress government for its anti-Dalit and anti-women atrocities.
In a statement, Rama Rao criticised the State government, stating that as the Chief Minister himself is insulting women (in the Assembly), the police are acting as if they are no inferior and assaulting women with lathis which is unacceptable,” he said. Rama Rao said the police, who should safeguard women, are assaulting them.
The BRS working president questioned the inhumanity of the officers involved, asking, “Is this the Indiramma Palana (Indiramma’s rule) and Praja Palana (people’s governance) that the Congress promised? Why such cruelty towards a Dalit woman? How could they use the third degree against her to plead guilty to theft?”
He highlighted the defenceless situation faced by the victim, witnessed by her son, and expressed his dismay at the state of affairs in Telangana. The senior BRS leader stated that the government should be ashamed that the police acted so inhumanely without considering that the victim is a woman. Rama Rao slammed the officers involved for making her wear knickers and kicking her with boots.