New Delhi: The CBI has moved the Supreme Court challenging a Calcutta High Court order allowing house arrest of four leaders, including three from the TMC, in the Narada bribery case.
The high court had on May 21 ordered shifting of two West Bengal ministers, an MLA and a former Kolkata mayor to house arrest from jail.
A division bench, presided by Acting Chief Justice Rajesh Bindal, differed on the issue of recalling the stay on bail to the four accused. It decided to refer the matter to a larger bench of five judges and the hearing is scheduled at 11 am.
The CBI has challenged the order of house arrest and reference of the matter to a larger bench, a law officer said.
West Bengal Transport Minister Firhad Hakim, Panchayat Minister Subrata Mukherjee, TMC MLA Madan Mitra and former Kolkata mayor Sovan Chatterjee were arrested by the CBI last Monday morning in connection with the Narada sting tape case that is being investigated by the agency on a 2017 order of the high court.
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