Visakhapatnam: Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy on Friday released Rs.261.51 crore to 2,61,516 benefiries at the rate of Rs 10,000 each under the YSR Vahana Mitra scheme. Addressing a public meeting here on the occasion, he said it was one of the poll promises kept within four months of coming into power. “We implemented this […]
Jangaon: A scribe working with the Andhra Jyothi newspaper, Mohammed Pasha (48) died as his motorcycle was hit by a mini-passenger truck at Pembarthi village near here on Saturday. He was working for the vernacular daily for two decades. Pasha started his career as the reporter of the Prajasakti in Lingala Ganapuram mandal in 1997. […]
She had been unwell for the past few days and was being treated at a hospital. Several eminent members of the film industry and politicians expressed their condolences.