Hyderabad: Like most innovative schemes introduced by the TRS government, the Telangana State Building Permission and Approval and Self certification System (TS-bPASS), a novel initiative that facilitates hassle-free building permissions and layout approvals to citizens across the State, seems to be a runaway success with over 10,000 applications received in the first 100 days of the scheme.
This self certification system, which does away with the earlier process of cumbersome paperwork that had citizens running from pillar-to-post to obtain building permits or layout approvals, came into effect on November 16 last, and has since logged 10,870 applications. Of these, 70 per cent applications have already been processed including completion of site verification. Permissions for about 35 per cent of the applications have been revoked for different reasons including issues concerning ownership right, variation in category (domestic or commercial), land use permission, among other factors.
A senior official from Commissioner and Director, Municipal Administration (CDMA) told Telangana Today that though the applicants claim to have followed all procedures and issue self-certification, during site verification, however, officials do come across some irregularities. As per rules, the applications have to be processed and site verification has to be completed within 15 days. “That is the basic difference between TS-bPASS and the previous system. Applicants do not have to wait long for permissions or approvals,” the official said.