Hyderabad: On the occasion of Police Commemoration Day, a mega blood donation camp was organised by Police Training College (PTC) , Amberpet, Lions Club Greenlands and Ramky Foundation at the campus of Police Training College, Amberpet.
Over 150 police officials, personnel and civilians came forward to donate blood for the novel cause of helping patients in need.
The special blood donation camp was organised by Madhukar Swamy (SP), Principal, PTC, Amberpet, M Pitchaiah (DSP), G Jagan (DSP), P Laxmikanth (DSP), T Laxmi (DSP), KV Vijay Kumar (DSP), A Sridhar Reddy (DSP), G Rama Rao (AO), Ramky Foundation, Ram Reddy, Sumathi, Lions Club Greenlands, Zone Chairperson, Laxmi Kumari, vice-president, Prof Raj Kumar, president, Dr Rupa Reddy along with other police officers.