Nizamabad: A cyber fraudster duped a nursing officer in Kakulagutta Thanda in Machareddy mandal of the district of Rs 67,700 after making him download an APK file sent on WhatsApp after convincing him that he had to update his credit card.
According to reports, B Santosh received a call from an unidentified number stating that he was calling from the bank and that his credit card needs to be updated.
Believing that it was a genuine call, he downloaded the APK file sent to him through WhatsApp and shared the details about the credit card. On Saturday evening, he received a message that Rs 67,700 was withdrawn from his account.
He immediately approached the Machareddy police station and lodged a complaint. He also registered his complaint with 1930, National Helpline number to report cyber financial frauds. The police have registered a case and investigation is underway.