In a statement here, Prathima Infrastructure Limited Vice-president P Anil Kumar said the Group condemned the allegation made by the Deputy Chief Minister against the Prathima Group on the allocation of MDO, Coal Mines in Sathupally of Khammam district.
Khammam: Steps were being taken to contain Covid-19 in mandals along Telangana and Andhra Pradesh borders, informed Zilla Parishad Chairman Lingala Kamalraj. Speaking at the ZP general body meeting here on Saturday, Kamalraj said Covid positive cases were being reported in Madhira, Bonakal, Wyra, Sathupally and Vemsoor mandals, but the situation was under control. Responding […]
Police said B.Sudheer (30), a resident of Ayyappa Society and native of Sathupally in Khammam, advertised on a dating app by uploading pictures of women and solicited customers