Amaravati: Active cases shot up to 36,108 as Andhra Pradesh added 6,996 fresh cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday, the highest in a day after a gap of seven months. The state reported 1,066 recoveries and four deaths in 24 hours ending 9 am on Tuesday, the latest bulletin said. The state Covid-19 chart now showed […]
Amaravati: Active cases shot up to 36,108 as Andhra Pradesh added 6,996 fresh cases of Covid-19 on Tuesday, the highest in a day after a gap of seven months.
The state reported 1,066 recoveries and four deaths in 24 hours ending 9 am on Tuesday, the latest bulletin said.
The state Covid-19 chart now showed a total of 21,17,384 coronavirus positive cases, 20,66,762 recoveries and 14,514 deaths till date.
Chittoor district registered 1,534 and Visakhapatnam 1,263 fresh cases.
Guntur logged 758 and Srikakulam 573, while the remaining nine districts added less than 500 new cases each.
West Godavari, which has been reporting less than 100 infections for the past few days, added 245 on Tuesday.
Visakhapatnam district reported two fresh Covid-19 deaths, while Chittoor and SPS Nellore had one each in a day.