Karimnagar: Sakhi, a one-stop center, rescued an abandoned married woman and reunited her with her family members on Friday. On June 16, Sakhi center received a distress call from an Anganwadi teacher stating that a married woman was roaming in Chintakunta area in Kothapalli mandal. She also informed that the woman was distressed and worried about her safety and security.
After receiving the call, Sakhi team reached the spot and tried to inquire her details but in vain as she was found deaf and dumb. To get her details, the Sakhi team approached the faculty members of Government Deaf and Dumb School in Rekurthi, Karimnagar.
The faculty members could identify the details that her name was Swapna and that she hailed from Manchineella Banda village of Akkannapet mandal in Siddipet district.
Sakhi authorities had publicized it by posting the details of Swapna in the social media.
After seeing the social media postings, her parents had approached the Sakhi centre.
They informed the officials that Swapna’s husband Chiranjeevi was harassing her by continuing an extra-marital affair with another woman. When their daughter left the village, they had also lodged a missing case in the police, parents informed. After checking the police station records, Sakhi centre officials handed over Swapna to her parents on Friday.
District Welfare Officer Sandhya Rani and Sakhi Administrator D Lakshmi counseled the parents and assured all assistance to Swapna. They also assured to provide shelter to Swapna and take legal action against her husband Chiranjeevi for harassing her.