Hyderabad: An eight-year-old boy died and his father was injured after their motorcycle was hit by a truck at Yapral in Jawaharnagar late on Friday night. The victim, P Naresh, was a Class 5 student from a private school and his father P Anjaneyulu (30), was a watchman from Kowkoor. According to the police, the […]
Siddipet: Finance Minister T Harish Rao, on behalf of Action Aid India, an NGO, donated 30 oxygen concentrators costing Rs 20 lakh to Siddipet district administration on Sunday. Appreciating the Action Aid India representatives Regional Manager Anjaneyulu and Programme Officer Phanindra for extending support to them, Harish Rao suggested that the health department officials distribute the […]
Police suspect the victim could have come to the site to steal iron rods and accidentally came into contact with a live wire, following which he was electrocuted
A native of Bellal village in Kaddam mandal, Vedma Gangaram won plaudits from many for bringing Jinka Anjaneyulu (28) ashore from swirling waters of Godavari, risking his life and showing spontaneity and valor.