Hyderabad: With law enforcement agencies continuing the crackdown against those involved in ganja trade, prices of the contraband are reportedly soaring. A kilogram of good variety of ganja cultivated in the Vizag agency and Andhra Odisha Border (AOB) is priced anywhere around Rs.40,000 to Rs.60,000 a kilogram. Around six months ago, officials say, a kilogram […]
Suryapet: In a cinematic way, Task Force Police on Friday chased a car for 20 kilometers and seized 240 kilograms of ganja after arresting two persons. Sources said, when a car took U turn at Korlaphad toll plaza in an apparent bid to escape from the police check point, the Task Force police chased the […]
Hyderabad City Police seized contraband worth a staggering Rs 1 crore on a single day on Saturday and arrested five persons following raids across the city