Hyderabad: IT Minister KT Rama Rao on Tuesday responded to the issue of Nizam College undergraduate students’ protest over the allotment of the hostel on the campus. He asked Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy to intervene and address the issue. In a tweet, the IT Minister said as per the request of the students, […]
Hyderabad: With a large number of students, particularly women, enrolling for various courses offered by the Osmania University (OU) campus colleges, the varsity administration has decided to construct another 500 bed hostel on campus. In February last, the university administration has thrown a 500-bed hostel open for girls. The hostel has reading rooms, a spacious […]
Hyderabad: With the number of girls joining various courses in the Osmania University colleges rising every year, the university administration has opened a new 500-bed centenary hostel meant for girls. OU Vice Chancellor, Prof. D Ravinder on Wednesday inaugurated the hostel which is located near the Institute of Public Enterprise (IPE). The hostel which was […]