Disaster Management Department in Kerala's Kozhikode has relaxed the restrictions in the district as no new cases of Nipah virus infection were reported in the state
Disaster Management Department in Kerala's Kozhikode has relaxed the restrictions in the district as no new cases of Nipah virus infection were reported
State Health Minister Veena George said it was a big relief for the state that no new fresh positive cases of the virus have been detected.
"The situation is under control presently," she said.
Regarding the monoclonal antibody, the only viable therapeutic against the virus, the minister said in the morning that according to the Centre it was 50-60 per cent stable and it has asked the state government to explore the possibility of getting a new version of the antibody.
After two people died from fever due to the Nipah virus in Kerala’s Kozhikode, the Kerala government on Wednesday declared seven village panchayats in Kozhikode, as containment zones
In the wake of the Nipah outbreak in this north Kerala district, a holiday has been declared for all educational institutions here on Thursday and Friday
Thiruvananthapuram: Three days after the first Nipah case surfaced at Kozhikode, Kerala, when a 12-year-old boy succumbed to the deadly virus, on Wednesday 20 more samples that were sent for testing at the NIV laboratory, Pune turned negative. State Health Minister Veena George on Wednesday told the media that one cannot completely claim things are […]