Hyderabad: The Rachakonda Anti-Human Trafficking Unit along with Women and Child Welfare Department officials raided Rishab Industries at Mangalpally in Ibrahimpatnam and rescued 12 children, including six girls from child labour on Monday night. Two persons were arrested. The arrested persons were N Bhupesh Jain (44), a trader from West Marredpally and Sunil Kumar (27), […]
Responding to a tweet by one Mahmooda about her plight as she did not have a smart phone, the collector got a smart phone to the girl through the District Child Protection Unit of Women and Child Welfare Department.
The Minister requested officials of Women and Child Welfare Department and Collector of Kumram Bheem Asifabad district to take care of the kids Dharani and Raghavendra belonging to Ankushapur village
Satyavathi underlined the need to provide quality milk, eggs, lentils, cooking oil and nutritional supplement to Anganwadi centre, helping new mothers and children to overcome malnutrition.
The judge was dealing with a writ petition filed by Dr Mamatha Raghuveer Achanta on the incident at Maruthi Orphan Home at Ameenpur in Sangareddy District