Hyderabad: The Chikkadpally police is learnt to have picked up Shivaram Rathod, who was on the run since Pravallika, a student had allegedly committed suicide at a hostel on Friday night.
Shivaram and Pravallika, were into a relationship until it went sour and the woman allegedly unable to bear torture and cheating by Shivaram ended her life. The Chikkadpally police had booked a case against Shivaram under Section 306, 417 and 420 of IPC following a complaint made by her mother.
Pravallika’s suicide took a political turn with the opposition parties blaming her death to the cancellation of TSPSC Group 2 examination. However, the police during investigation found out that although Shivaram and Pravallika were in a relationship for long and the man later committed to marry another woman following which Pravallika slipped into depression and hanged herself at a hostel in Ashoknagar.