Hyderabad: Amidst heavy rains during the early hours of Tuesday, Hyderabad was struck by a fierce lightning storm, startling residents. At around 5:44 am, a powerful lightning bolt with an intensity of 516 kA reportedly hit near the Miyapur Metro Depot, causing strong vibrations that reverberated across the area.
Social media buzzed with reports of the intense storm, with users describing the loud noises and the shaking of buildings. One user on X mentioned, “One friend reported his bed shaking, and another said his house shook!”
“There was a sudden bright flash followed by loud, prolonged thunder, which felt like experiencing vibrations and building seemed to have shook (sic),” another user said.
Residents from Nizampet, Kukatpally, Kondapur, Punjagutta and other neighbourhood areas also reported the thunderous sounds, which some likened to an earthquake. In Punjagutta, the Suk Nivas Apartments bore the brunt of the storm, with the lightning strike demolishing the building’s railing and destroying a nearby car shed along with the vehicle parked inside.
Meanwhile, authorities have issued a yellow alert in the city for August 20 and 21, warning of potential thunderstorms and lightning accompanied by light to moderate rains. Citizens have been urged to stay indoors, limit travel, and remain vigilant for further updates.