The ganja or opium laced products packed as medicines are sold through online platforms to the consumers. The Telangana State Anti-Narcotics Bureau who got a tip off about such products being sold through online platforms, ordered a few of them and sent them to the laboratory
The TGANB made it mandatory for all those caught using drugs to attend rehabilitation sessions. However, the software professionals are bringing excuses citing difficulties in getting leaves.
As a part of this initiative, the TGANB is closely coordinating with the managements of educational institutions and is conducting regular checks within the campuses of schools and colleges to check for instances drug abuse instances.
Three drug peddlers were arrested by the Mangalhat police in coordination with TGANB team on Sunday. The police seized 3.5 kilograms of ganja from them.
Two junior doctors, K Manikandan and V Aravind, and another 10 medical students were purchasing the ganja from the suspect Suresh and regularly consuming, said DSP TGANB, K Narsing Rao.