Hyderabad: The Hyderabad City Police seized liquor worth Rs 1.7 lakh after raiding different places in the city on Monday and caught five persons on Monday.
In the first instance, acting on a tip off, the Commissioner’s Task Force (West) raided houses at SR Nagar, Banjara Hills and Mangalhat. Four persons, V Suresh, D Hari Prasad, T Nandha Bai and Kishan Singh Thakur, were found to have stored liquor illegally apart from selling it. They were handed over to the local police stations for further action.
In another instance, the Commissioner’s Task Force (South) seized liquor bottles worth Rs 70,000 stored illegally at a house in Chatrinaka on Monday afternoon. One person Srinu was taken into custody.
According to the police, Srinu had kept the liquor bottles at his house to sell to the public. He, along with the seized liquor, was handed over to the Chatrinaka police for further action.
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