In a statement from Asifabad DSP P. Sadaiah, it was announced that a sixteen-year-old boy from the town was presented before the juvenile justice board in Asifabad, which has placed him in a juvenile home. The boy faces charges under the SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, the POCSO Act, and relevant sections of the Bharatiya Nyay Sanhitha (BNS) on the charges of raping the girl by blackmailing her using her intimate photographs on August 23
The boy, who belonged to Itarasi, Madhya Pradesh, was found wandering on Platform one of Secunderabad railway station in a manner that raised suspicions.
Lahore: A 14-year-old boy shot dead his entire family, including mother and two minor sisters, allegedly “under the influence” of online game PUBG, police here in the capital of Pakistan’s Punjab province said on Friday. Nahid Mubarak, a 45-year-old health worker, was found dead along with her 22-year-old son Taimur and two daughters aged 17 […]
Hyderabad: A minor boy was stabbed by his friend, also a minor, at Tukaramgate on Wednesday night. Police source said that both of them had frequent arguments ever since the victim allegedly made disrespectful comments against the suspect.The suspect, who decided to eliminate the victim, procured a knife and went to meet the latter. After […]
The police have traced the burnt body of the boy and also arrested the kidnappers including a close relative of the boy in connection with the kidnap and murder.
It may be recalled here that Kusuma Deekshith Reddy (9), the elder son of Ranjith Reddy and Vasantha, was kidnapped by unidentified persons on Sunday evening (October 19).