Siddipet: Medak MP Kotha Prabhakar Reddy on Wednesday said the Panchayat Raj department has sanctioned Rs 16.25 crore for three different roads under Dubbak Assembly constituency. Speaking at a review meeting with officials of Panchayat Raj department at Potharam village in Dubbak mandal, the MP instructed the engineering wing officials of the department to expedite […]
Eraabelli said BJP won Dubbak Assembly seat in the recent bypoll by making false promises, and called upon the farmers to get ready to wage a battle against the anti-farmers' policies of the BJP government at the Centre.
Bandaru Nagaraju, an independent candidate who was allotted the 'rolling pin with board' symbol, polled a significant 3,570 votes to finish in the fourth place in Tuesday's result.
Stating that a vote for Congress would be nothing short of supporting TRS, Kishan Reddy urged the voters to elect the BJP candidate from Dubbak that would trigger the downfall of TRS government.
Addressing “TRS Yuva Garjana” cycle rally at Thoguta in the constituency, Harish Rao said that village and mandal level BJP ranks had deserted the party which was now forced to hire workers from Karimnagar.
Hyderabad: Congress Legislature Party (CLP) Leader Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka called upon the voters of the Dubbak Assembly segment to elect Congress candidate Cheruku Srinivas Reddy who has the guts to question the State government in the Assembly. Addressing a series of campaign meetings in Reddypalli of Chegunta mandal on Saturday, he said that the TRS […]
Siddipet: Six independents filed one set of nominations each on the first day of nominations for the Dubbak Assembly constituency by-election in Dubbak on Friday. The six – Burra Ravi Teja, Revu Chinna Dhana Raju, Srikanth Silveru, Mothe Naresh, Meesala Raja Sagar and Kota Shyam Kumar met the Returning Officer Chennaiah at his office in Dubbak […]
Siddipet: Major chinks in the opposition armour surfaced on Wednesday when the two national parties faced embarrassing moments in the run up to the Dubbak Assembly constituency by-election. While BJP faced the ignominy of its candidate, M Raghunandan Rao, being hauled over the coals by party leader Thota Kamalakar Reddy for alleged sexual misconduct, the […]