DGP Anjani Kumar said all the seizures including cash, precious metals, liquor etc, crossed Rs. 101.18 crore mark during last eight days whereas, during assembly elections- 2018, the property seized during entire period model code of conduct was Rs 103 crores.
Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari on Tuesday directed officials to make elaborate arrangements for the Independence Day celebrations at the historic Golkonda Fort.
These are testing times for the community, and each and every police officer is standing shoulder to shoulder with the citizens we serve, said Telangana DGP Anjani Kumar
Urging ambulance drivers to be responsible while using sirens, Director General of Police of Telangana Anjani Kumar took a tough stance in a tweet on Tuesday
Sending proper questionnaire will help scientist conducting the test to understand specific need of the investigation officer and work accordingly,” DGP Anjani Kumar said at a State-level video conference
Police official and sportsman, Mohammed Khasim handed over 16 medals he had won in various sports events to the Telangana Police. The medals would be kept at the museum of RBVRR TSPA.
Hyderabad: Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) MLAs, Ministers and government employees on Thursday condemned the conspiracy to kill Tourism Minister V Srinivas Goud and demanded that stringent action be taken against those involved in the plans. Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister E Dayakar Rao condemned the conspiracy and said there was no scope for violence […]